Saturday, 13 August 2016

Sweet Boy

You are definately the boy that brings out all my emotions. You make me laugh, get frustrated,and melt all within a matter of minutes. I love your sweet, curious personality. I wanted to write down a couple cute things you've said lately:

- "I love mom so much that I like her!" (cutest thing EVER)
-After getting a hair-cut "the back of my hair feels like a bad rug!"
-While I was telling Mitch that Cooper has his nose "Well I have a booger nose! I really do! There are always boogers. Sometimes I have to blow them out and sometimes they just come out all by themselves!"

You just finished tball, and sometimes you were great and you loved it, and other times you hated it and it was kinda painful for all of us! (the 100 degree humid weather didn't help)...We'll see if you continue.

You are starting to swim on your own now and you are soooo proud about it! I wish we had a better pool in Victoria because I love watching you learn and be so happy about it.

Sure love you!